dukta – flexible wood is a unique incision process to make wood and engineered wood flexible. The incision patterns give the material almost textile properties and its qualities and areas of application are considerably expanded.
dukta – flexible wood opens up new horizons in interior design. The different incision patterns, the ability to bend and features like transparency and sound absorption allow countless aplication possibilities. The high sound-absorbing effect of the perforated wood-based material is particularly remarkable. The int. patented dukta process works with commercially available wood materials such as plywood, MDF and three-layer boards.
The sound absorption properties of corrugated dukta acoustic walls and ceilings are unique. Across all frequencies, they achieve NRC (Nois Reduction Coefficient) values as high as other products only in specific frequency ranges. Installed flat, they are comparable to good traditional absorbers.
“From a formal point of view, dukta is convincing because the interplay of width, shape and depth of the cuts as well as the choice of material (…) results in a wide range of possible end products. At the same time, the individual workpieces unfold an aesthetic all of their own.”NZZ Domizil
“dukta has properties that lead to a pleasant liveliness of the room sound, which is particularly useful in acoustically demanding rooms.”Martin Lachmann, applied acoustics
“dukta amazingly combines the traditional material wood with the latest manufacturing technologies and a simple, sparkling idea that opens up the natural material for innovative design concepts.”md, Interior | Design | Architecture